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Occlusion is such a fundamental part of dentistry but is one area that is largely misunderstood, leading to unnecessary problems and stress
Dr Robert Kerstein is a world leader in occlusion training. As a prosthodontist based in Boston, USA, he has a particular interest in the T-Scan digital occlusal analysis system, has published nearly 90 papers on the subject and has some very valuable insights to share
Dr Ash Parmar practices in Essex and his focus is cosmetic dentistry. He has a particular interest in occlusion as he understands that function and durability are fundamental to a good result and happy patients. Ash runs courses here in the UK and lectures worldwide
Here are the key topics they will be discussing:
Demystifying Occlusion - why occlusion is misunderstood and how we can do better. Practical tips and information to improve case outcomes and patient comfort
Articulating Papers - learn about the best articulating paper and how to use it
Case Studies - tips on handling occlusion for composite, porcelain, implants, and wear cases
Facebows and Articulators - recommendations on when to use these
Digital Occlusion - benefits of using the T-Scan for precise and accurate diagnosis by measuring force and timing. Occlusal adjustments - comfortable treatment, long-lasting results, and thus avoiding expensive remakes
Common Failures - learn from two experienced clinicians about the causes of occlusal failure and how to avoid these problems.
Date: Thursday 14th September 2023
Time: 6.30pm - 7.30pm UK time
Where: Zoom (sign up below to receive the Zoom link!)
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